Imagine this: A local community where anyone can join in for a dose of affordable yoga goodness! Another Yoga Class is your ticket to explore yoga and find your inner zen in Chiswick and South Acton in London.
These vinyasa classes are not only about breathing and posture alignment, but also about having a blast and trying something new!
Expect to sweat, stretch, relax, laugh and breathe!
You'll even get a chance to meditate at the start and end of each class.
Whether you're a newbie or yogi pro, all skill levels are welcome.
You'll be guided through every pose and modification, so don't sweat the Sanskrit lingo - it's all good vibes here.
Another Yoga Class
Acton Gardens Community Centre
Every Monday, from 7.15pm to 8.15pm
& every Saturday from
9am to 10am.